Data Summary

Residual Waste Operations

2024 - Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

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A Residual Waste Operation is a DEP primary facility type related to the Waste Management Residual Waste Program. Residual waste is waste generated at an industrial, mining, or wastewater treatment facility. The sub-facility types related to Residual Waste that are included are:____ Generator: A generator is a person, company, institution, or municipality that produces or creates residual waste. Residual waste is waste generated at an industrial, mining, or wastewater treatment facility. Impoundment: An impoundment is a facility designed to hold an accumulation of liquid wastes. Incinerator: An incinerator is an enclosed device using controlled combustion to thermally break down residual waste. Land Application: Land application is a facility that uses agricultural utilization or land reclamation of waste. Residual waste is land applied for its nutrient value or as a soil conditioner. Landfill: A landfill is a facility that uses land for the disposal of residual waste. Processing Facility: A processing facility is a transfer station, compost facility, resource recovery facility, or a facility that reduces the volume or bulk of residual waste for off-site reuse. Transfer Station: A transfer station receives and processes or temporarily stores residual waste at a location other than the generation site. This sub-facility facilitates the transportation or transfer of residual waste to a processing or disposal facility.