Data Summary

PennDOT Park and Ride

2025 - Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

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Locations of Park and Ride facilities in Pennsylvania. These PennDOT-maintained Park and Ride facilities offer a safe, convenient location for commuters to leave their automobiles and travel to their destinations in carpools, vanpools or buses. Ride sharing reduces the total number of vehicle miles of travel and improves air quality. It reduces road deterioration, saves fuel, reduces congestion and limits our carbon footprint. It’s also a great way to meet new friends and enjoy your commute. A park and ride facility can offer a transit provider convenient access to many patrons. These locations may also expand the area public transit service covers as the result of a larger customer base and they reduce transit agency operating expense by eliminating the need for the buses to circulate through residential neighborhoods. For more information on this layer, you can use the Data Dictionary available in both web and spreadsheet format. Updates to this layer are made as needed. Any errors or omissions should be reported to the PennDOT Geographic Information Division (