Information contained in LRD's land ownership databases is updated nightly however tract polygons are posted to the NPS Data Store on a monthly basis. Users can ensure parcel polygons have up to date ownership attribution after the publication date by contacting your regional LRD office or downloading the Current_Tract_Ownership_Data file located on the NPS Data Store ( in a dBase format. Please contact the data originator with any suggested corrections and updates. LRD's boundary polygons represent the current legislated boundary of a given NPS unit. NPS does not necessarily have full fee ownership or hold another interest (easement, right of way, etc...) in all parcels contained within this boundary. Equivalently NPS may own or have an interest in parcels outside the legislated boundary of a given unit. In order to obtain complete information about current NPS interests both inside and outside the units legislated boundary, LRD's tracts files should also be downloaded and used in conjunction with LRD's boundary files. Downloaded the historical USGS source maps identified above and evaluated the quality of their georeferencing by inspecting alignment of coordinates with printed grid lines on the digital maps. All source digital data were found to have mapped latitudes and longitudes that were within 0.1 seconds of the graticule coordinates printed on the map collars. Georeferenced each spliced section of the River Management Plan maps to their corresponding HTMC map using ArcGIS for Desktop software and an adjust transformation that minimizes local and global alignment errors. Used at least 100 control points per spliced section based on well-distributed, readily identifiable features until a zero error was reported for the adjust transformation. Spliced sections were rectified to the coordinate system of the source HTMC map. Evaluated discrepancies between the location of the boundary on overlapping sections of the georeferenced 1986 Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River Management Plan maps. Areas of discrepancies were handled as follows: • Page 1-2 south/west overlap areas: The page 1 boundary was followed through the overlap area. At the western edge of page 2, the trajectory of the page 1 boundary was continued due east approximately 27 meters until it met with the page 2 boundary at 75°11’7.334’’W, 41°51’7.738’’N. This resulted in exclusion of an approximately 52 meter stretch of the page 2 boundary that did not coincide with the trajectory of the page 1 boundary. The boundary as drawn on the georeferenced sections from the 1986 Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River Management Plan was digitized with the map display set to 1:24,000. In accordance with the Superintendent's decision, the outside of the boundary line was followed during digitization and the overlap areas were handled as outlined above. The coordinate system of the boundary vector layer was set to that of the Page 4 N section, which is nearest the geometric center of the boundary. Splice lines in the 1986 Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River Management Plan boundary maps were identified by visually inspecting 600 dpi scans created from the early printed edition of the hardcopy plan. Source data for the spliced River Management Plan boundary map sections were identified by systematically reviewing all 1:24,000 7.5 minute quadrangle topographic maps published by the USGS between 1965-1985 for the Upper Delaware Region: Page, Page Position = HTMC Source Map 1, NW section = PA_Hancock_170733_1965_24000 1, NE section = NY_Fishs Eddy_138154_1965_24000 1, SW section = PA_Lake Como_171007_1968_24000 1, SE section = PA_Long Eddy_172240_1965_24000 2, N section = NY_Fishs Eddy_138154_1965_24000 2, W section = PA_Long Eddy_172240_1965_24000 2, E section = NY_Callicoon_123144_1965_24000 3, N section = NY_Callicoon_123144_1965_24000 3, S section = PA_Damascus_170464_1968_24000 4, N section = PA_Damascus_170464_1968_24000 4, S section = NY_Narrowsburg_130762_1968_24000 5, NW section = NY_Narrowsburg_130762_1968_24000 5, NE section = NY_Eldred_138052_1967_24000 5, SW section = PA_Rowland_221690_1966_24000 5, SE section = PA_Shohola_221953_1965_24000 6, NW section = NY_Narrowsburg_130762_1968_24000 6, NE section = NY_Eldred_138052_1967_24000 6, SW section = PA_Rowland_221690_1966_24000 6, SE section = PA_Shohola_221953_1965_24000 7, N section = NY_Eldred_138052_1967_24000 7, W section = PA_Shohola_221953_1965_24000 7, E section = NY_Pond Eddy_129067_1965_24000 8, W section = NY_Pond Eddy_129067_1965_24000 8, E section = NY_Port Jervis North_129100_1969_24000. Page 1-2 north/east overlap areas: Boundaries drawn on page 1 and 2 do not cross in the page 1-2 overlap area. Therefore, to create a smooth transition between the boundary as drawn on page 1 and 2, a linkage was drawn between the page 1 boundary at 75°11’11.026’’W, 41°52’36.316’’N and the page 2 boundary at 75°11’8.522’’W. • Page 2-3 south/west overlap areas: As stated in the River Management Plan’s Errata number 5, “Map 2 of 8 following page 60 contains a mapping error in Machester Township … The boundary in this area is correctly shown on map 3 of 8.” Therefore, the page 3 boundary was followed throughout the page 2-3 overlap area, except at the northern terminus of page 3 where the boundary does not link to the southern terminus of the page 2 boundary. To circumvent this problem, the page 2 boundary was followed at the northern edge of the overlap between 75°7’30.041’’W, 41°49’50.203’’N and 75°7’29.935’’W, 41°49’32.276’’N. Page 2-3 north/east overlap areas: To be consistent with the River Management Plan’s Errata number 5, the page 3 boundary was followed throughout the page 2-3 overlap, except at the northern terminus of page 3 where the boundary does not link to the southern terminus of the page 2 boundary. To address this, a smooth transition was made from the page 2 boundary to the page 3 boundary between 75°5’41.395’’W, 41°50’33.197’’N and 75°5’44.696’’W, 41°50’30.767’’N, and the page 2 boundary was followed between 75°5’39.059’’W, 41°50’40.257’’N and 75°5’41.395’’W, 41°50’33.197’’N. Page 3-4 south/west overlap areas: The page 3 and 4 boundaries are consistent with one another throughout the area of overlap so no decisions had to be made about which one to follow. Page 3-4 north/east overlap areas: The page 3 and 4 boundaries are largely consistent with one another throughout the area of overlap so no decisions had to be made about which one to follow. Page 4-5 south/west overlap areas: To ensure smooth transitions to the boundary as drawn outside the area of the page 4-5 overlap, a single straight line with two end vertices was drawn between the outer edge of the page 4 boundary at the northern terminus of the overlap (75°4’53.71’’W, 41°36’44.326’’N) and the outer edge of the page 5 boundary at the southern terminus of the overlap (75°4’55.015’’W, 41°36’12.652’’N). Page 4-5 north/east overlap areas: The page 4 boundary was followed between 75°2’10.66’’W, 41°36’44.821’’N and 75°3’7.433’’W, 41°36’28.312’’N. The page 5 boundary was followed between 75°3’7.433’’W, 41°36’28.312’’N and 75°3’16.195’’W, 41°36’12.503’’N. Page 5-6 south/west overlap areas: The page 5 boundary was followed throughout the area of overlap with page 6. This is in accordance with Lackawaxen Township Resolution 2015-02 which states “that the Township hereby acknowledges and agrees the boundary for the Corridor shall be as shown on page 5 of the 1986 Final River Management Plan, instead of page 6.” Page 5-6 north/east overlap areas: The page 5 boundary was followed throughout the area of overlap with page 6. This is in accordance with Lackawaxen Township Resolution 2015-02 which states “that the Township hereby acknowledges and agrees the boundary for the Corridor shall be as shown on page 5 of the 1986 Final River Management Plan, instead of page 6.” This is also in accordance with Upper Delaware Council Resolution 2015-13 which states "Whereas, the correct and accurate representation of the Corridor boundary in Lackawaxen Township is that depicted on page 5 of 8 in the Plan". Page 6-7 south/west overlap areas: The page 6 boundary made smooth transitions to the boundary as shown outside the page 6-7 overlap at both the northern and southern termini of the area of intersection. Therefore, the page 6 boundary was followed throughout, with the exception of an approximately 600 meter curved section that is not covered by page 6. The page 7 boundary was followed in this section between 74°54’18.085’’W, 41°27’22.073’’N and 74°54’11.968’’W, 41°27’6.735’’N. Page 6-7 north/east overlap areas: To ensure smooth boundary transitions within and out of the page 6-7 overlap, the page 6 boundary was followed between 74°55’22.539’’W, 41°29’26.757’’N and 74°54’52.851’’W, 41°29’36.068’’N, and the page 7 boundary was followed between 74°54’52.851’’W, 41°29’36.068’’N and 74°54’8.928’’W, 41°28’53.47’’N. Page 7-8 south/west overlap areas: The page 7 and 8 boundaries were followed alternately throughout the area of overlap to ensure smooth transitions within and out of the area. The page 7 boundary was followed over the two non-contiguous sections: 1) between 74°49’49.561’’W, 41°25’33.582’’N and 74°49’0.366’’W, 41°25’41.826’’N, and 2) between 74°49’6.227’’W, 41°24’51.797’’N and 74°48’37.374’’W, 41°25’3.632’’N. The page 8 boundary was followed over the two non-contiguous sections: 1) between 74°49’0.366’’W, 41°25’41.826’’N and 74°49’6.227’’W, 41°24’51.797’’N, and 2) between 74°48’37.374’’W, 41°25’3.632’’N and 74°47’57.13’’W, 41°24’46.166’’N. Page 7-8 north/east overlap areas: The page 8 boundary made smooth transitions to the boundary as shown outside the page 7 -8 overlap at both the northern and southern termini of the area of intersection. The page 7 and 8 boundaries were also coincident throughout most of the area. Therefore, the page 8 boundary was followed throughout. The boundary as drawn on the georeferenced sections from the 1986 Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreational River Management Plan was digitized with the map display set to 1:24,000. In accordance with the Superintendent's decision, the outside of the boundary line was followed during digitization and the overlap areas were handled as outlined above. The coordinate system of the boundary vector layer was set to that of the Page 4 N section, which is nearest the geometric center of the boundary. In cooperation with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of New York, Delaware River Basin Commission, National Park Service, and the Upper Delaware Citizens Advisory Council. Laws pertaining to UPDE: PL 95-625 Section 704- The Upper Delaware Act PL 90-542 The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.