Data Summary

Recreational Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) Report Geodatabase - prior to shale-gas development (pre-2008)

2014 - Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

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The expected recreation experience and characterization of wild character that users can expect to find on the state forest system prior to shale-gas development (pre-2008). This dataset was used in part to develop the Bureau of Forestry’s Shale Gas Monitoring Report (released April 2014). The Bureau of Forestry uses a modified version of the Recreational Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) to estimate the wild character of state forest land and the experience that recreationists can be expected to find in different portions of state forest system. This dataset represents the excepted ROS experience prior to Shale-Gas development (pre-2008). The Bureau of Forestry’s ROS zones are defined as: Primitive: greater than 1,000 acres and more than 1 mile from motorized roads, trails, and railroads. Semi-Primitive: greater than 500 acres and more than 1/2 mile from motorized roads, trails, and railroads.Semi-Primitive Non-motorized: greater than 250 acres and more than 1/4 mile from motorized roads, trails, and railroads.Semi-Developed and Developed (Other Zones): No minimum size or remoteness criteria. The ROS model considers all changes. Non-shale gas related changes do affect the results of the analysis. April 2014 Shale Gas Monitoring Report ROS