Data Summary

Thickness of Unconsolidated Deposits of Erie County, Pennsylvania

2010 - Allegheny College

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Digitized sediment thickness map for Erie County, Pennsylvania. The complete citation for the source map is: Map Showing the Thickness of Unconsolidated Deposits, Locations of Selected Wells, and Seismic-Refraction Cross Sections by David B. Richards, J. Jack McCoy, and John T. Gallaher, 1987, W62, Plate 2. The original map was published at a scale of 1:62,500. The map is a part of the Pennsylvania Geologic Survey Water Resource Report 62, Groundwater Resources of Erie County, Pennsylvania. This GIS dataset shows the areal distribution of sediment thickness across Erie County. Water well locations and geophysical data on the source map have not been included here. All mapping activity and thickness interpretations were made by the original authors of the map (Richards et al., 1987); the authors of this electronic geospatial resource (Shaffer et al., 2010) have only transferred the map features, assigned attributes, and documented our process.