layers include: 100_500_FEMA, all_buff_wshd, AllForestPatchGroups, AllNWIPoints, BANKBERM, bfprints, blockgroups+income, BotanyData, buffermissingedges, County, county_mask, CountyStreams, culturef, DissolvedOpenSpace, drainage, ErosionHazard, Export_Output, fish, ForestGroupstouchOpenSpace, forestIDs2_Buffer2, FORESTPA, ForestPatchWithScore, interior_wshd, InteriorRiverWoodlands, intersectedopenspace, lost_Streams_cntyclip, majtrans, meta_woodland_wshd, munibnd, nature, non_meta_woodland_wshd, parks, PotentialInteriorForests, riparian_nature_wshd, RivCorrMask, river, riverCopy, RiverCorridor1, RiverCorridorWoodlands, RiverfrontBotanyData, RiverfrontwithBankBerm2, RiverfrontwithBankBerm, RiverfrontwithBotanyData, RiversValley, rrlines, stateroads, Trails, viewshedrivers, Watersheds, WatershedsVacancy, WatershedswithEcoRating, WatershedswithForestGroupRating, WatershedswithImperv, WatershedswithMedInc, WatershedswithOwnership, WatershedswithParksperCapita, WatershedswithPopDensity, WatershedswithRating, WatershedswithRenters, WatershedswithWoodlandRatings, WatershedswithWoodlands, WatershedwithEcoRating, WATSHEDR, woodland_touches_riparian_wshd, WoodlandStreets2, wshd_2
mxd's include: 1.1 Hydrological Overview Streams, 1.2 Hydrological Overview, 1.3 Hydrological and Municipal Boundary, 1.4 Urban Context, 2.1 Population Density, 2.1.1 Population Density Blockgroup, 2.2 Median Income, 2.2.1 Median Income Blockgroup, 2.3 Vacant Housing Units, 2.3.1 Vacant Housing Units Blockgroup, 2.4 Rented Housing Units, 2.4.1 Rented Housing Units blockgroup, 2.5 Owned Housing Units, 2.5.1 Owned Housing Units Blockgroup, 2.6 Parks and Open Space, 2.7 Parks per Capita, 3.1 Woodland Interior forest, 3.2 Riparian Woodland Patches, 3.3 Riparian Woodland Contiguity, 3.4 Woodland Values, 4.1 Watershed Imperviousness, 4.2 Invertebrate Condition Scores, 4.3 IBI, 4.4 Ecology Rating, 5.1 Viewshed, 5.2 First Order River, 5.3 River Corridor Study Area, 5.4 River Corridor Zones, 6.1 Woodland Patches Touching RC, 6.2 Woodland Patch Group Method, 6.3 Woodland Patch Groups, 6.4 Woodland Internal Fragment, 6.5 Woodland Percent Fragment, 6.6 Woodland Percent Fragment, 6.7 Woodland Potetial Interior, 6.8 Woodlands Potential Interior, 6.9 Woodland Group 100, 6.10 Woodland Group 500, 6.11 Woodland Group Valley, 6.12 Woodland Group Rank, 6.13 Woodland Group Open Space, 7.1 River Edge Wetlands, 7.2 River Edge Continuity, 7.3 River Edge Preservation, 7.4 River Edge Restoration, 8.1 Potential Opportunity Areas, 8.2 Potential Opportunity Areas Locator, 8.3 Hays Streets, 8.4 Emerald Arc, 8.5 Toms Run, 8.6 Thorn Run, 8.7 Plum Creek, 8.8 Deer Creek, 8.9 Days Bulls, 8.10 Upper Allegheny, 9.1 County Zoning, 9.2 Erosion Hazard, 9.3 Hays Streets Zoning, 9.4 Emerald Arc Zoning, 9.5 Hays Streets Built, 9.6 Emerald Arc Built, 9.7 Hays Streets Built, 9.8 Emerald Arc Erosion